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Pathways at A.K. Smith

"Pathways to Graduation" is a nontraditional program for MCHS juniors and seniors who need extra support and flexibility in order to stay on track for success.The program is based at the A. K. Smith Career Center (817 Lafayette Street, Michigan City), however, Pathways students are enrolled as students of Michigan City High School and may participate in all social and extra-curricular activities. Breakfast and lunch are provided at no cost. 

Each school day, Pathways students: 

  1. Use the online Edmentum Learning Environment to support academic needs. Classes are led by certified teachers with expertise in nontraditional education.
  2. Take Career & Technical Education (CTE) classes with other CTE students.

Students may also opt for a workplace internship or co-op placement. 

Students entering the Pathways program work with staff to design a plan that will lead to high school graduation -- and to success in college, post-secondary training, or a career. They are guided by a team of dynamic, committed staff members who understand social and emotional needs of teens who have faced personal and academic challenges. We're committed to building relationships with students and seeing them through to the graduation finish line! 


Contact Us

Justin Biggs
Assistant Principal
(219) 873-2030, 7514